-Ramp Bowling/Assisted Bowling (All Ages). Rodrigo Pineda placed 1st, Carlos Gutierrez-2nd, and Rachel Navarro-2nd. On Thursday, November 12, our students competed in Singles Bowling, Ages 8-15. Jacqueline Porcayo-1st, Raylene Vela-1st, Ana Villarreal-2nd, Jose Cerda-2nd, and Levy Valencia-2nd. On Tuesday, November 17, our students competed in Singles Bowling, Ages 16 and over. Rebecca Granados-1st, Hortencia de la Rosa-1st, Ashley De la Rosa-1st, Salvador Gomez-1st, Ramiro Olivares-1st, Clifford Wheat-1st, Roberts Wheat-1st, Brandon Garza-1st, Frankie Villalobos-2nd, Juan Adame-2nd, Joel Bravo-3rd, Alexis Rosello-4th, and Adrian Rodriguez-4th. Our students were very excited to participate in the bowling activities and were very happy to receive the medals and recognized as Special Olympics Athletes. -Principal's Campus Highlights-