New MHS pick-up and drop-off areas

1.      Parent/Guardian morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up will take place on Cummings Street through the U-driveway.  Gates will open at 7:00 a.m. through 8:05 a.m.  For afternoon pick-up, gates will open at 4:05 p.m. Traffic will enter and exit north of Cummings Street.

2.      Bus morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up have been relocated to Eagle Trail.  Gates will open at 7:15 a.m. through 8:05 a.m. For afternoon pick-up, gates will open at 4:05 p.m. until the last bus has passed through.  Buses will turn north or south on Holland to continue with drop-off routes.

3.      CTE buses throughout the day will continue to drop-off and pick-up on Cummings Street through the U-driveway. 

4.      The gate north of Neuhaus Gym will NOT be open until 4:30 p.m.  Staff ENTRANCE for parking and EXIT will need to take place by the guardshack on Cleo Dawson.  Security will be checking for parking permits to allow staff to enter. 

5.      Staff parking at the Softball Parking lot need to relocate to the north side of Tom Landry HOF stadium.  Parking is also available on the northwest side of Neuhaus Gym.  

6.      Softball Parking lot is designated for SpED drop-off and pick-up, only. 

7.      Anyone parking at Tom Landry Stadium is asked to be cognizant of the designated area for band practice.  Make sure to drive with caution.  Band will remain on the east side parking lot for three more weeks as they prepare for Pre-UIL and UIL-Pigskin on October 12th and 19th.
